Five Months

A. Sharon Mommy and me and the pool
A. Oli
Mani and me
Happy time at the beach

those hickeys were courtesy of Adrian, he was teething so he'd suck on my arm so much that he'd leave marks

I know this is not such a great picture but it's the only picture of Adrian's first Christmas present. Kathy and Oseas sent it to him, so sweet.

A. Maria

Adrian turned five months today, he also ate his first meal. I gave him grated apple.

December 24
I had a little accident with Adrian the other day. Adrian is now starting to crawl and even though I knew this I left him just for a minute with pillows around him on the bed. I went to show Sharon something in the kitchen and left for too long and forgot he was alone, then all of a sudden wwwwwwwaaaa, we hear a from the room. I didn't even think "the baby" I was like " Rodrigo crying again",ha! But he was with Sharon in the kitchen. Then Sharon says "the baby"! I ran so fast I hit the laptop. When I got to the room he was on his back on the floor. He had fallen right next to the heater, it was a real miracle that he didn't get burned. Actually a few minuted earlier I was going to put the heater at the edge of the bed, thank God I didn't or he would have fallen right on it. Thank you Jesus for your protection!

Happier news: He is a very healthy and happy baby. He still like doing his flash cards and really likes to eat! I'm starting with one food at a time so, far he has had: apple, pear, and banana. I have this cool little thing it's called "fresh food feeder". It's a little net with a handle and basically what it's for is to put a piece of fruit or something and he can hold it and suck the juice without the risk of choking on the food. He tried it today and loved it.

We drove down to Mexico City, Adrian was a very good boy. We stayed with grandma. Auntie Oli came too and we spent New Years together. There was a cat where we were staying and Adrian liked to pull his hairs. I lost my camera on the trip so now I'll probably be putting less pictures on. We went to Ixtapa, it's a beach. We had lots of fun and Adrian loved the water, when a wave would come he started to get all excited. It was so cute. We also had a pool where we were staying and he loved going in the water. I would blow on his face and put him under the water, he never cried. He turned 6 months while at the beach.

For those of you that didn't get my Christmas e-card here it is for all to see. Just click and enjoy!

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Baby Signing!

I learned something new a few weeks ago: baby signing! It's teaching babies sign language. Ok, I know what you're thinking "what for"? Well I did a little research on the Internet and I read how it benefits your baby. I found a website called
( There are some videos posted on youtube by the owner of the website. This one is one of my favorites (

This is an article written by Laura Berg, the owner of the mindbites website.
( I put a little piece of it in case you're not interested in reading the whole article.

Here it is:

The main reason why signing with babies is so beneficial is because it reduces frustration. Babies are able to make simple signs long before they have the ability to produce speech. We often see babies waving bye-bye or putting their arms in the air when then want to be picked up; these are simple gestures, or signs, that babies are able to make at an early age. So it stands to reason that they could use actions to say so much more. Signing with your baby gives them the tools they need to communicate their needs to you before they can talk.
I want to share with you a story of my daughter. By the time she was ten months old, my daughter knew almost a dozen signs, mainly food signs. One day she was eating Cheerios and signing ‘more'. I'd give her more and she would throw them on the floor and sign ‘more' again. I said to her, "Then you don't want MORE… what do you want?" She looked at me and signed ‘more cheese'. I was amazed for two reasons:

• She put together a two word sentence at ten months.
• There was no cheese in sight. I hadn't offered her cheese during that snack time yet she was able to clearly communicate to me what she wanted.
I could imagine how frustrated she would have been if she hadn't been able to tell me what she wanted.
One of the reasons signing works so well with babies is because they tend to be visual learners. They are able to learn and retain more information when they see it as opposed to merely hearing it. With sign language, they are actually exposed to three modes of learning:

• Visual – they see the sign being made.
• Auditory – they hear the sign being made.
• Kinesthetic – they feel the sign being made.

Some parents fear that signing can delay speech, but this had no basis in fact. There is no science that demonstrates that signing will prevent your child from speaking when he or she is ready. In fact, there have been several studies that have shown that signing promotes language. Many parents report that their child's first words are often the words they already know the signs for.

Four Months

Sleep in heavenly peace...

Adrian turned four months yesterday, November 14. We went to watch the new James Bond and he slept through the whole movie. I'll post new pictures and videos soon.

For those of you who are interested, go to ( it's a video of Tom doing his soccer flashcards with Adrian. It's cute.

On Sunday I made this mini "studio" and took some pictures of Adrian. I played around with some of them in Photoshop. The first one is my favorite one, the rest look ok. Enough about that, let me tell you more about Adrian. He is only 4 months (will be five in 2 weeks) and he is already wearing 6-9 months clothes and some outfits fit him small! everyone says he is a big baby. The other Day we went to see the live ballet play of "The Nutcracker". Adrian slept for a while but when he woke up he stared at the dancers the rest of the time. He looked too cute he had his mouth open and had a face that said "wow". He'd get a little scared and would jump and squeze me tight when people would start clapping. Anyways it was fun. Adrian stares at my food every time we eat. The other day when we got back from the play I had some Juice and he kept getting mad wanting to grab my drink, finally I let him have a sip and he loved it. He'd get mad when I'd take the cup away,ha! It was so cute. I let him suck on cellery sticks or sometimes I let hime taste other fruits or vegetables, I think I'm going to introduce some foods as soon as he turns 5 months. He really seems to want to eat, he knows what it is and wants it. I read in a book that one of the first signes that your baby is ready to eat is when he stares at your food. But I don't get it, he's been doing that since he was 1 month old. I'm posting a very short video of the play, I had forgoten to charge the batteries so I wasn't able to film for too long. But I will be taking he video off later and posting a differnt one.

Three Months

My big smile.
with cousin Rodi.

Look at how he looks at Tom's hand,ha!
Some of the people in my life.

Putting my mad look.
Daddy me and my new friend Steff.
I wuz t-t-t-towed(cold).
Daddy and me at Grutas de Garcia.

Julian giving me school!
Watching Daddy play soccer.

At the winery
cute smile!

Adrian and I went to the Educators Seminar in Ensenada Baja California for a week. while we were there on our day off we went to a winery and they gave us a tour it was really neat. A few homes got together and we had a fellowship there were quite a few people. It was the first time I had seen real olive trees and a vineyard. Adrian turned three months while we were there. He fell off the bed for the first time. I had been sick that day so that night I was very tired and he fell while we were sleeping. My room mate Maria was quicker than me. She jumped right out of bed and picked him up. He didn't get hurt but got frightened. Adrian also got sick for the first time while we were there. I had gotten a fever and a cold and a few days later he got a fever as well. He is still sick he has a lot of mucus and wakes up at night crying because he cant breathe. It's so sad. On the way back home I had a really hard time on the plane. He screamed soo much it was terrible. I think it was a combination of his ears hurting from the pressure and being sick, I don't know. Anyways we are glad to be home now. Adrian is also grabbing toys and puts them in his mouth, he grabs his feet too when he is on the bed. He likes to "talk" a lot it's so cute to hear him when he tries to copy sounds. He still likes his pacifier very much.


We went on a fun outing last Sunday. It's called Grutas de Garcia, it's a cave in a mountain that was discovered in the early 1800's. Adrian really likes going out, he likes the car ride. People really like Adrian they're like "que lindo el huerito", which is basically saying what a cute gringo. I'm trying to get him to sleep on his crib at night, it works half way through the night but then when I get him to nurse I just fall asleep with him and I forget to put him back. He loves to stare at himself in the mirror I have this Little picture of Jesus on it and he likes to stare at it. He also likes to play with toys and put everything in his mouth. Adrian likes to be with people and smiles a lot. He is always slobbering it's so cute! Tom made him these soccer flash cards I told him it was unnecessary but he insisted on it. Well he'll be 4 months this Friday, I can't believe it he is getting so big!