Seven Months

Juliet with Adrian the reindeer

Watching "Baby Signing Time" with Carolina

Adrian turned seven months on Valentines day!
He is starting to say "baba" or "ababa", it's really cute when you start to copy him he smiles. Anyways tomorrow we are going to a really BIG Family fellowship so I'll try to post some new pictures.

Sunday, March 08, 09

We went to a park and had a BBQ, the kids played around and I finally got a camera so I was able to take a few of our outing. Adrian is growing up so fast it's scary to think that in about 5 months or less he will be 1yr old! He loves watching "Baby Signing Time" him and Rody are both addicted to that video. He can be crying and super sad I'll put the video on and he gets happy. I'm going to film him one day watching his video it's so cute. When the theme song comes out in the beginning he starts to smile and gets all excited. If he is crying I'll just say "Adrian do you want to watch Baby Signing Time?" I'll start to sing the song and he gets all happy and excited. He still loves to do flashcards he loves them all except for the part where I do words with him. He starts to whine and gets angry, it's funny. So I don't do those with him very often unless he lets me.

Adrian loves the guitar, he loves to watch when someone plays it. He's quiet and just stares. He loves to eat, but doesn't care too much for carrots, potatoes and peas. He still doesn't like to sleep on his crib but I'm trying to put him in more often to get him used to it. He has had a few falls from the bed. Actually just the other day he had his worse fall so far. He hit his eye and it got a bit bruised
he's better it's going away.

He loves the laptop but of course we teach him not to touch it(pointless) so whenever we put the laptop on the bed or anywhere near with he gets this big foolish looking smile on his face. The funny thing is he doesn't even crawl slowly to it he just launches out just like that throws himself to it. So of course every so often he hits himself and starts to cry.

Adrian can sit up now with no support and crawls and loves to make all sorts of funny mouth sounds. Whenever he discovers a new sound he just goes crazy doing it all day. He can also pick things with his index and thumb. He hasn't gained much weight since he was 6 months, right now he is weighing 8.4 kilos.