I made a cake with Adrian, he enjoyed mixing the flour.
He is such a poser...
Iron Chef
I just stuck him in a hot tub...
That was fun...we are never doing that again!
But as you can see here he didn't mind one bit!
Ok let me explain these pictures. Adrian was playing all happy when along came Yacsis and for her own pleasure started to hose Adrian, notice how he has a sweater on.
Early morning, I had to get him out of the house so he wouldn't wake U. Josue and A. Yacsis.
He loved the car, we didn't know what to do to get him out. He got pretty upset.
He was so tired he just crashed! U. Michael...
I couldn't decide withc one was cuter so I put both :)
Trying to have a little night fun but Adrian wouldn't go to sleep!
Trying to be part of the fun.
No he's not trying to hide...he was nursing.
He wanted to go into the water, he got mad when I pulled him away.
They both really liked the ducks, Adrian kept saying ca ca ca(quack quack)
He likes to get swung really high, the scratch on his face was sweet cousin Naty...
We went to the park near the house and Jane took a few nice pictures of Adrian and me. This one is my favorite one!
14 Months
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Labels: 14 Months
13 Months
He's trying to take off the skirt(natasha's ballet skirt)that A. Yacsis and A. Jane put on him...that's so mean because he is such a boy!
Yacsis and Jane teasing Adrian poor thing!!
Great Grandma with Adrian, I'm very glad that Adrian and Grandma got to meet. My Grandma also came over that night, we had a lot of fun
Wild boy!
my cousin ashley loved Adrian, he really liked her too!
a kiss for you
We had a little family get together at Josues' and Yacsis' house, Adrian behaved very well and didn't go to sleep till it was very late.
Wait dad don't take the picture yet!
I got these glasses out of the pinata, they fit him so perfectly I had to tkae a picture. Adrian likes sunglasses(or any glasses for that matter)whenever I have glasses on he smiles takes them off of me and tries to put them back on me., of course he pokes my eyes a few times. But it's so cute I let him, I just close my eye, ha!
the Coke can was keeping him happy for the picture, He doesn't drink Coke.All the kids were having fun hitting the pinata, Adrian spoted a ball a mile away and went to get it, He didn't care about the pinata...I guess
Adrian will see a ball where no others can see them, no matter where he is he always finds a ball. Adrian LOVES balls!
Adrian loves A. Jane
he loved the sheep ride he didn't want to get down...
Aftian lost a shoe but he didn't even notice, he was to distracted by the animals!
It looks like he is laughing but he actually posed a smile.
He loves playing outside it's his favorite thing to do
he is learning to kick the ball
Again this is not a laugh, he posed a smile.
he loves instruments I was teaching him how to play "twinkle twinkle" on the piano. I grab his index finger and to play and he stays still.
Time flies, Adrian is getting so big and he is such a little character! Adrian started walking at 12 months and now at 13 months he is a full time walker! Some of the words that Adrian can say are: ba(ball), po(potty), ca(car), shee(sheep), sa(outside), bu(book), wa or wawa(water), t(eat), no, dac(dog), ba(bath), sha(shoe), ap(apple), and of course a bunch of giberish that I pretend to understand. He also says words in spanish, actually every time I ask him in spanish to say a word he always tries to copy it. He doesn't do that with english. Tom and I still try our best to speak to him in spanish and english. He understands both very well. Adrian is very obedient when I ask him not to go somewhere, I'll say "Adrian ven aca" he smiles and walks towards me saying ca... ca(aca?). He loves being with papi(all my nieces and nephews know him by that, they never call him grandpa) and likes going out on walks with him. Adrian is a bit of an outdoor kid he goes crazy in the house all day. He get's really excited when I ask him if he wants to go outside, he says sa sa sa and does the sign for outside. Adrian signs a lot now, he loves signing!
I have lost Adrian in the house a few times...I know it's terrible! The thing is he's so fast and moves around so quickly. A lot of times I end up finding him in a bathroom happy to be playing with the toilet paper role or in a closet or sitting in a corner with a book. So he hasn't gotten into terrible things. Natasha, Adrians 3 yr old cousin likes him a lot but she also loves teasing him. He doesn't like her very much..it's funny because he'll be so happy but as soon as she walks into the room and says "macchiato!" he imediatly changes and gets angry and worked up!
We went to a friends birthday party and they brought a petting farm, Adrian was in heaven. It was really fun for him to see the animals that he sees so much on videos and flashcards. Adrian loved the sheep he kept saying "shee shee shee". He also got to feed the animals but I had to take the animal food away from him because he kept eating it!
Because we don't have a pool here I haven't been able to continue with his swimming leasons. I hope he doesn't hate the pool later.
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Labels: 13 Months