One Month

I look like such a good boy in this picture.
Daddy, Grandma and of course ME.
Here we are at an Italian restaurant that Grandma invited us to.

I never cry when I'm on my car seat as long as the car is moving.
I love my swing.
Daddy squishing me.
My duckie shoes.

I am one month now. I am gaining weight and you can tell. I smile when people talk to me and make funny faces and sounds. I stopped crossing my eyes, I realized I look silly. I LOVE my pacifier, I can't live without it! Mommy does flash cards with me and I love to look at them. I like being on my swing, I fall asleep when I'm on it. I don't like to sleep on my bassinet, I rather cuddle with mommy and daddy in their small bed. I'm a throw up baby, I throw up on anyone who carries me(hee hee). And I sometimes smile after I do it. My Grandma and Auntie Mili came to visit for a week. I liked them very much, I threw up on Grandma several times and pooped on Mili(hee hee). We had fun outings and I even went to the cinema, I cried a little and bothered the people but then I went to sleep. Something else my mommy does with me: she puts audio stories. I listen to Alice and the Magic Garden everyday. She puts other ones too like Trapped On a Mountain, Nothing short Of Right is Right, The Rock In the Road and many other ones.

P.S Adrian actually seems to like these audio stories, he stays quiet the whole time it's on. I read baby books with him too, it's amazing he really looks at the book and stays calm. the other day he did something so cute. I was reading a babies Noah book, and he was just looking at the pictures, then I started talking about the animals and making sounds for them and he started to get all excited with a big smile. I thought it was too cute to keep to myself, I had to share it. I think that for being one month old Adrian is very attentive and awake.